Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Hubby

64 he a good lookin' old what !?!?!?! 

Look into a horse's eye......see his heart........

I have loved my journey in natural horsemanship and big loop roping.  I have always loved  horses and taken every opportunity throughout my lifetime to be astride a horse.  I love working cattle horseback, and roping calves for doctoring and branding. 
I apologize to all the horses in my past whom I jerked to a stop and kicked to go.  And I'm thankful to the great horsemen and women I've learned from in the last decade.  I'm also thankful to my little bay mare, Easy, who showed me natural horsemanship does can change a troubled and dangerous horse into a willing partner, a friend.  And I'm thankful to the other troubled horses I've brought home to become a part of our family... each one proving to me that caring hands, fair leadership, smiling while teaching, walking away when frustrated, asking and giving time to figure it out, and releasing to teach....are appreciated by the horse... once he understands. I'm thankful for the relationships that develop with that.
I'm so thankful for those who discovered these things and shared them with the world. 
You've all...human and horse....made my dream come true!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our team did well at the AES Ranch Roping fund raiser last Saturday.....

Bob, TJ, Jonathan, and Dale
...riding Ace and Checkers...


2011 is Willow's year!  She's been a kept 'woman' long enough and I'm gonna turn her into a cow horse and have some fun with her. 
Willow works cattle from the other side of the fence .... she can't wait to get into the fray.
 She's push button with groundwork and natural horsemanship, in my back pocket, and ready for big girl play.