Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I have an adoreably cute 2007 Jeep Wrangler but.... 'Jeep' has a Death Wobble.

I first noticed it a few months after I bought Jeep.  I was exiting the freeway to the right and Jeep began to shake so hard I couldn't maintain the turn and had to let off the gas and brake gently.  Almost didn't make the turn.  Since then I take right turns slowly and if the death wobble begins I back off the accelorater to stop it before it gets a good shake goin' on.

Last year, I noticed the Death Wobble start on the straight... when I hit 50 mph.  So I drove slower or sped up which oftentimes prevented the shaking.

Lately, I experience the Death Wobble just going down the road around 35 - 45.....sometimes... not all the time.  I back off the gas or brake a little and go on.

I'm not totally stupid.....its obvious something isn't right.....but Jeep and Hub and Tire Store have all told me there is NO Wobble going on... just because the little spin they took in Jeep didn't produce the Death Wobble right then.

So, what.......... they think I made this up????????????

Well, NOW the Death Wobble is all over the internet............THANK YOU!!!!!.........and Hub called to tell me...."Guess What?  You might actually have a problem!"    (hmmmmmmmmmmmmm)

Maybe I can get it fixed now!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!

GLUTEN FREE Are You Feeling as Good as You Would Like to be Feeling???

Consider the risks to your health and longevity if you don't give up gluten in your diet!!!

I didn't feel RIGHT for over 15 years.  I'd comment on it, ask others if they felt certain ways, wish I felt better, and couldn't imagine that the way I felt was 'normal' 

Well, eventually I got SICK and couldn't figure out what was going on with my body.  I went to the doctor and with ONE blood test found out I couldn't tolerate gluten and it was causing my sickness.

So, I began eating better but still got very sick sometimes and had weeks on end where I just didn't feel RIGHT and decided to find out more about this GLUTEN thing. 

I bought 'Living Gluten-Free for Dummies'.......those good ol' informative books.......and I have to say I was pretty shocked at what gluten was doing to my body.  Believe me, it isn't just what you're feeling that is going on.  Your body is in a WAR ZONE and damage is being done.....children'stooth enamel defects..... toxins in the body causing acne, rashes, hives, etc....Chron's disease.....diabetes......systemic lupus.....ulcerative colitis.....ADD/ADHD.....Autism.....Depression and Bi Polar Disease.....anemia.....osteoporosis.....brain and spinal defects in children whose mothers eat gluten diets.....tingling.....seizures..... cancers.....internal hemorrhaging.....organ disorders.....cystic fibrosis.....Neurological disorders.....and so on.......

People with Type 1 Diabetes often have celiac disease even if they don't realize it.  There is an internal war zone going on damaging the body......managing BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS is much easier on a Gluten Free diet.

Anyone who goes Gluten Free will enjoy much improved and even optimal health.

HEALING begins  the day you stop ingesting Gluten!!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well, it's so pretty here right now.....sunshine, cool temps, damp rather than dusty, no flies or wasps or bees, muddy horses but oh well there's always something, green as far as the eye can see, and spring is around the corner.  Love it!

Hub and I went to the movie today......Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.....WOW is pretty much my thought on it.  And since I'm all about love and kids and being a thankful parent and people being happy and feeling like they belong.....well, this movie is so emotionally intense but so beautiful.  I just love it!
Hub said he was lost at times but then he does't hear all the dialogue and you really need to listen and follow it.  He liked it a lot anyway.

Tomorrow we're gonna keep right on playing and check out friends and Western Art and cowdogs and ranch geldings up in Red Bluff.....a day outing.  Can't miss it all together!!!

I'm WAY sorry to say I didn't even know about the Art Show or I would have participated.  I'm really bummed about it :(

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I think LIFE is like RIDING a COLT

I think life is like riding a colt.....sometimes it's breathtaking and a real rush........sometimes it's peaceful cruizing across the land....and sometimes outta nowhere you get dumped on your head. It hurts and it stuns you for a while ....but then you get back up and dust yourself off and get back on. Or you quit and are afriad to try anymore.
Well....so did winter last 4 days or what?  Spring is here, its warm and sunny outside.  The mud is drying.  It's almost February.  JK I hope!
We sure need a lot of rain this spring.  Like the mud or not.....let the rain come back and stay a while.

Thank You Zack

Today was a very good day here at the ranch.  My grandson Zack dropped by for a while and did a project for me.  He dismantled two dividing fences of panels in four paddocks making two larger ones.  Then we drug the panels to a new location behind the Ranger.  Tomorrow we set the panels up creating a new turnout, grazing area.

It's just so nice to have an extra pair of hands and a strong back sometimes.  And it's lots more fun working with someone :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

SURPRISE......I'm already back :)

So last night here in California we got drenched and tossed about by mighty winds.  In Utah my granddaughter's pet bird had night frights and lost her flight feathers from 'fear'.
Wow!  What was the weather like in Utah last night?  I'll be calling to find out.

My sweet hubby is having a birthday soon....65......and I think old when I see that number but I don't think old when I see him......or me.    Whassup with that?  I'm stunned we're that old, that we've lived that long......and very thankful for it. 

My life has covered the range of happenings and experience and dissapointment and joy and love and saddness and I feel like I've been around for.....oh, about 350 years or so........but overall I'm very thankful for the life that has been mine.  It coulda been a lot worse, for sure.

Well, I'm stalling.....its very cold and damp outside and I have to bundle up and go feed and do laundry and shower and come back to edit some photography.  Life is good!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm thinking I need to study blogging :)

I love to write but I drop my comments on FB randomly rather than write here on my Blog.
But I will work on that. 

I will be sharing Aspirations, Beliefs, Comtemplations, Decisions, Excitement, Fears, Gloating, Highlights, Inspiration, Joy, Knot tying, Love, Music and Meaning, Nurturing, Opinions, Poetry and Photography, Quading adventures and Quaint customs, Random Research Results, Shopping specials and Second thoughts, Tips, Understanding, Values, Works, Xcitement, Yearnings, and Zany news. 

i WILL be back........