Saturday, April 30, 2011

What a long, busy, crazy month this has been.........

I've been getting photography and fine art images hung in the gallery, ordered and shipped to "In The Company of Cowgirls" art show in Pendleton, Oregon, ordered for 2011 Equine Dream Art Show at Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento, CA, and organizing and backing up over 600 GB of photos.  My horses don't remember who I am!  But I did ride Cooper today.  We helped our friend Marc with his corriente cattle.  I got some good photos, the above is a favorite from today.
Now it's very late, I'm whupped, and church comes early Sunday morning so I'm off to bed.
My goal is to write every day so I just need to make it happen.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I love my blog so why don't I write more.....

I just will!!I'm writing on my iPhone so it's big quick but I wanted to blog anyway. I wrote my resume and artists statement yesterday and I love having it all tied up so neatly on paper. I'll write more later. Right now I'm off to bed while my computer backs up my photography again. Nite!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where have I been......

Wow, time crashes and tumbles and breezes by me weeks at a time......
I've been working on photography day and night the last few weeks........I need to give myself a break.  I've been riding and roping lots and enjoying it lots and want to keep on doing it lots.
I've had Max the mighty grandson with us for 2 weeks.  Just about the time a grandparent gets used to having a grandchild living with them full time the time is over.  He was fun and ever so helpful.
I've entered a western art show..........will talk about that later.
I feel overwhelmed the older I get.  I've developed more interests and talents and don't have the resources for it all :)  The concept of money is so annoying..........
I'm reading Temple Grandin......what an insightful and informative and intelligent woman......far more than most, and she's autistic.  And what do the rest of us do with our intellect?!?!?!?!?
Well, I'm all itchy and crawly and heading to a hot bath.  I waded around my chicken yard in knee deep grass earlier and it made me wonder what little critters were jumping onto my body :)  and the thought keeps emerging.......weird but a hot soak in the tub for me!