Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm Back and I'm Gonna Try and Do Better

The Weird Thing is I really want to blog and I love to write.  The trouble is I also have ADHD and I'm not in control of what my mind wants to do.  I'll think about how fun it will be to sit down and blog for a spell and before I know it I'm outside doing ranch work, riding a horse, cleaning chicken houses, or some other such thing.  And it can be three days before I remember I was going to blog.
So I'm not really responsible and... I'm stickin' to that.
Now with that out of the way, I'm going to bed.  I only got 4 hours sleep last night due to lots of fun hours editing and uploading photography from Hot Creek Ranch in Nevada, and tomorrow I'm going to a roping clinic up in Rescue so I REALLY need some sleep.....otherwise I might fall asleep on ol' Coop and fall off my 'chair' right there in the clinic.
Good Night and it's Great to be back!!!